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Awsome, zombies!

Well it didn't show it but I'm guessing the guy dies, he got bitten. As soon as that happens your infected and you eventually become a zombie. Well I'm a huge zombie fan and that was one of the best zombie movies I've seen. I liked the wrough style and fast pace. Good weapon use too, however I thought it might have made more sense to fire the water pistol with petrol and light it it as it shot out so you had a flame thrower.
Hope to see more these in the future!

lol great

Well you know there's been so much complaint they're not gonna use it. They've allready said they won't pay the designers which is a big hint. They've had so many good ones sent in by the public I'm sure they'll use one of those.

But good moviw any way lol. You know it can also be seen a a man holding up a drunk.

Good but needs a lot of work...

Well the graphics weren't the worst I've ever seen. They could do with a bit of work but they weren't extremely bad. The frame rate definately could do with increacing, the movie was quite laggish. The story also needs improving, it was a bit confusing.

Overall not a bad attempt at a MGS flash.

Done before... and better...

This has been done before. Plus it's been done a hell lot better to. The graphics were really poor. It just sickens me how badly people draw blood. Ideally it should have been sprite blood, but failing that at least well drawn blood.
The humour was questionable. Not great and not origional. Please try comming up with some of your own ideas.

Awsome dude! Gum bites back O_o!

That put me off gum for life! Pretty grim story. But I like stuff like that. A very simple yet effective horror sequence. The animation was spot on too. The only thing I'd say is that the bubble looked a bit out of place. But seeing as it was on for only a short moment that really doesn't matter. Awsome work!

Credit something if you copy it...

Gahhh a complete rip off of the Beat up sand bag collab. If your gonna copy other people's ideas at least credit them and at least do a good job. The graphic were really bad.
I'm fed up of seeing these sandbag knock offs.

Zelfury responds:

how is it a rip off!!!!
i took the concept of beating up the sandbag from super smash bros and made an ANIMATION from it, i drew everything just because there happened to be a totally different submission that i did not know about doesn't mean i ripped it off..

lol funny but not extremly funny...

I'd say this more than a little influenced by go go parody rangers and the works of egoraptor. Although it was funny, it wasn't on the same level as metal gear awsome or parody rangers. The quality of dialog could be improved as at times it was too quiet or too distorted. Some of your va's need to either speak a bit further away from their mic or turn up the volume a bit. The graphics weren't that great, but then not great graphics are an essential part of the style of movie your trying to emulate.

Welldone but could do with a bit of work on humor, maybe slightly better graphics and better quality of sound.

funymony responds:

I didn't know about Egoraptor's until just recently. I feel like a total deushbag now, thanks. *grumble*

Actually, I was going off my Thanksgiving2 animation and mixed it up with a bit of a power rangers theme. This thing has been laying on my desktop for months and I just decided to get it over with.

Its hard to work with the voice overs. MdotStrange and Sean had to leave and do other things so I didn't really have a chance to re-do them. Meh. S' all good. THanks for the review, D00D3.


Well it was quite good. Nice animation style, reminds me of the style of a couple of people I know.

I personally thought haydes didn't look very evil. But I've never played the game so I have no idea if thats how he's supposed look.

MKjack responds:

Hades doesn't even appear in the Games lol
That Hades of mine is just self-designed XD

meh ok...

The first thing which struck me was how ironic it was that you've made a flash movie about what would happen if there was no technology. Flash is a quite complex technology.

Yeah basically everything in that would go because everything requires technology. That guys cloths wouldn't exist either, not that I want to see that but it's still something made with technology.

Could you add colour inside these lines?



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